Your Small Act Can Make a Difference

Posted By CMCA on 29 Apr 2019

CMCA is an NGO which provides a well research-backed curriculum for schools across 10 cities in India. Their aim is to provide an incentive for the young generation so that each one of us can try our best to be caring and responsible citizens of our county. 

Recently, I interned with CMCA and took part in contributing towards the CMCA anti-litter initiative. Over the past few weeks, I had the opportunity of meeting different people who live in my society. Both my friend and I together went from house to house meeting new people and sharing our concerns for the environment with them. We offered them a cute and resilient litter bag (CMCA Litter Buster) which is a CMCA product, in exchange for their donation. It is easy to use and is handy to collect food or junk collecting in your car and dispose of it responsibly. 

We took part in this initiative for a school project, and through this, I picked up something meaningful and learnt about the significance of being an active citizen. I now know my duty as a citizen and want to encourage as many people as possible to buy these Litter Busters and donate to a good cause. Littering is an unacceptable behaviour and should be discouraged. I’m glad that now the people who have bought from us will litter less on the roads and help build a strong and efficient society. 

A small donation, maybe even 100 rupees which you may rather spend on buying a milkshake, is all it takes to promote acts which benefit our city and help not litter. 

It feels good to be able to contribute something towards our society and help change the perspectives of the young generation.


This blog is written by Rhea Chaudhary. Rhea is a student who interned with CMCA.

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Accreditation by Credibility Alliance

CMCA has been accredited by Credibility Alliance under the category “Desirability Norms” – for good governance, accountability, transparency and continuous improvements. Credibility Alliance is a consortium of voluntary organisations committed to enhancing accountability and transparency in the voluntary sector through good governance.